Kristian Bush, Grammy Award winning artist of Sugarland, receives his new Geisert Guitar. Kristian and Jennifer Nettles will be back on tour in the summer of 2019.

Kristian Bush, Grammy Award winning artist of Sugarland, receives his new Geisert Guitar. Kristian and Jennifer Nettles will be back on tour in the summer of 2019.

John Driskell Hopkins and Darren Nicholson.  With their Geisert guitars

Darren Nicholson. Emmy nominated blue grass musician.

Darren looking at his guitar under construction.

John Driskell Hopkins receiving his Geisert guitar( by Jolie Loren Photography

John Driskell Hopkins receiving his Geisert guitar(

Photo by Jolie Loren Photography

Soon ukuleles by Eldon Geisert will be for sale at Hawaii Cigar and Ukulele in Hawi Hawaii. HereI am showing a Ukulele to Richard and talking about selling them in his store. Hawi is a reallycool place – a bit of old Hawaii.

Soon ukuleles by Eldon Geisert will be for sale at Hawaii Cigar and Ukulele in Hawi Hawaii. Here

I am showing a Ukulele to Richard and talking about selling them in his store. Hawi is a really

cool place – a bit of old Hawaii.

Chris Gelbuda playing a Geisert guitar.

Zac Brown Playing John’s Guitar on the tour bus. Zack likes it.

Zac Brown Playing John’s Guitar on the tour bus. Zack likes it.

Eldon and Levi Lowrey looking at Levi’s guitar during the building process.

Eldon and Levi Lowrey looking at Levi’s guitar during the building process.

Grace and I with John Keawe a premiere slack-key guitar player on the big island. John playsguitars made by David Gomes and lives in Hawi. If you ever get a chance to see John playing atdinner in the Bamboo Restaurant, it is a magical evening.

Grace and I with John Keawe a premiere slack-key guitar player on the big island. John plays

guitars made by David Gomes and lives in Hawi. If you ever get a chance to see John playing at

dinner in the Bamboo Restaurant, it is a magical evening.

Matt Eady Matt is a luthier that does the nitrocellulose finish on many of Eldon’s guitars.See Eady Guirats (

Matt Eady Matt is a luthier that does the nitrocellulose finish on many of Eldon’s guitars.

See Eady Guirats (

Chris Gelbuda worte the song “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” that was sung by Meghan Trainor and John Legend

Byron “Trip” Cook, MD. Opthalmologist.

Her replaced my lens in the left eye and wanted a guitar.

John Hopkins and Eldon Geisert sharing a momentPhoto by Jolie Loren Photography

John Hopkins and Eldon Geisert sharing a moment

Photo by Jolie Loren Photography

Chris Gelbuda playing guitar with Eldon Geisert.

John Driskell Hopkins playing at Napoleons’ in Atlanta.Photo by Jolie Loren Photography

John Driskell Hopkins playing at Napoleons’ in Atlanta.

Photo by Jolie Loren Photography

Sue and Jim Olson Friends sharing a moment in Arizona. Jim makes Olson Guitars (

Sue and Jim Olson Friends sharing a moment in Arizona. Jim makes Olson Guitars (

It was a great pleasure to meet David Gomes a luthier in Hawi Hawaii. It was great to visit hisshop and see how he makes guitars and ukuleles. What a wonderful afternoon.

It was a great pleasure to meet David Gomes a luthier in Hawi Hawaii. It was great to visit his

shop and see how he makes guitars and ukuleles. What a wonderful afternoon.

Darren Nicholson playing a Geisert guitar.

Levi Lowery Playing a Geisert Guitar